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† 1D study on microwave assisted warming of human blood with varied ceramic and composite supports

Author : Sushma Kumari and Sujoy Kumar Samanta*



The feature of volumetric processing of the microwave radiation aids in the warming of pre-transfusion human blood to be uniform, controlled, rapid and selective. The 1D study performed to achieve efficient and optimized microwave assisted warming of human blood placed on various ceramic, Teflon and composite supports. The equations for uniform electric field and energy balance are simultaneously solved through the Galerkin finite element method. Preliminary analysis involves studying the amount of average power absorbed by the sample with respect to its thickness for various cases. Moreover, a support thickness sensitivity analysis to recommend a suitable thickness of the support has also been performed. The efficiency of the warming strategy was analyzed based on the observation of higher warming rate and minimum thermal non-uniformity by the procedures. It was observed that corresponding to all the cases and at both the R1 and R2 resonances, the metallic and composite supports enhanced the absorption of power. The detailed spatial analysis on the distributions of power and temperature and transient temperature profile provide the recommended combinations for the supports corresponding to both the resonances (R1 and R2). The present work acts as a guideline for microwave assisted warming of human blood.


Human blood, microwave warming, ceramic/Teflon/composite support